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Did You Know

Research done at Kansas State University showed that Vikane used at a 1.9x dosage rate can eliminate all life stages of bedbugs, including eggs.  

The Peskiest Pest

Bed bugs are such a difficult pest because they hitchhike from one location to another, and even though adults may be killed, eggs can hatch later to renew the infestation.

A Problem Pest

As bed bug populations have developed resistance to insecticides used by professionals, bed bugs have increasingly become a public scourge. Additionally, their ability to hide during the day and the need to control all three life stages — adult, nymph and eggs — make effective control so difficult. Visit EliminateBedBugs.com to learn more about what you need to know about this pest and its control.

A Proven Solution

The key to a treatment with Vikane® gas fumigant is that it penetrates all voids of a home, including deep behind walls and in bedding and upholstered furniture to reach bed bugs and their eggs. In contrast, an insecticide treatment may not reach deep into those areas or simply cannot be used in televisions, computers or other electronics where bed bugs can hide. And if it is a bed bug population that is resistant to the insecticide being used, the treatment will be ineffective. Eliminating adult and nymph-stage bed bugs is not enough because surviving eggs make it only a matter of time until the population rebounds.

Research done at Kansas State University showed that Vikane used at the label rate eliminated all life stages of bed bugs, including eggs. This means a whole-structure fumigation with Vikane following approved label directions can eliminate all bed bugs in the treated space. And if all that needs to be treated is furniture, mattresses or other household goods, the label for Vikane allows treatment using a moving truck, trailer or a fumigation chamber.

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